Richard Stallman's personal site.

For current political commentary, see the daily political notes.

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Here are some quotes that I like.

It's not that we don't dare do things because they are difficult; rather, they are difficult because we don't dare -- Seneca.

(This doesn't apply when a physical law gets in the way, but it is very true in politics. Why is it hard to get rid of the Free Exploitation Treaties? Only because we don't insist.)

Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. Nobody needs to justify why they 'need' a right. The burden of justification falls on the one seeking to infringe upon the right. You can't give away the rights of others because they're not useful to you. More simply, the majority cannot vote away the natural rights of the minority. -- Edward Snowden

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